Terms and Conditions

The Nursery, its Trustees and staff always aim to provide a safe, happy learning environment for all children and staff.

Nursery statement

The Nursery, its Trustees, and staff always aim to provide a safe, happy learning environment for all children and staff. This document constitutes an agreement between the nursery and the parent/s. The terms ‘parent’ or ‘you’ refer primarily to the person or persons who are legally responsible for the child in respect of whom an application has been made for a place with the nursery. By signing an agreement form during your settling in sessions, you agree to receive childcare services from the nursery based on the information provided to you and in agreement with the nursery terms and conditions.

1. Opening Hours

  • 1.1 The Nursery year starts on the 1st of September and runs until the 31st August the following year.
  • 1.2 The Nursery is open from 8.15-6pm Monday to Friday. A session is from 8.15am to 6.00pm for all children.
  • 1.3 The Nursery is open for 50 weeks of the year with 2 closure points: the last calendar week of August, including the August Bank Holiday, and from Christmas Eve until after the New Year Bank Holiday. Fees will not be payable for these periods.
  • 1.4 The Nursery will close for Bank Holidays. Fees will not be payable for these closures.
  • 1.5 The Nursery recognizes the importance of having well-trained staff and therefore closes for 3 non-pupil days each Nursery year. Fees will not be payable for these closures.
  • 1.6 All planned closures will be notified at least a month in advance but normally 3 months in advance.
  • 1.7 Full or partial closure due to situations beyond the control of the nursery affecting our ability to provide safe childcare is sometimes unavoidable, and the nursery cannot be held liable. This includes but is not limited to fire, flood, storm, snow, or closure for any other reasons such as staff shortages or epidemics. The safety of the children in our care is paramount. We will notify you at the earliest opportunity should this occur. In such circumstances, normal fees remain payable, and we shall be under no obligation to provide alternative childcare facilities for you.

2. Admissions and Registration

  • 2.1 Once your child’s place at the Nursery is confirmed, a holding deposit of £100 is required within 7 days to secure the place. The deposit is deducted from your first invoice. In the absence of the deposit being received, your child’s place will be released and can be booked by another family.
  • 2.2 Once the deposit has been paid, should your child subsequently not take up the place, this deposit is non-refundable.
  • 2.3 All parents or guardians must complete a ‘Registration Form’ for each child. This must be provided to the Nursery prior to the child’s start date.
  • 2.4 Should any information on the Registration Form change, the parent or guardian must immediately notify the Nursery.
  • 2.5 At the time of admission, the child’s birth certificate should be produced for verification of name, date of birth, and to confirm who has parental responsibility. A photocopy of this information will be kept securely in your child’s file.

3. Bookings and Attendance

  • 3.1 Please note that the Nursery operates a minimum attendance requirement. For all children, the minimum attendance is 2 full days (no half days available).
  • 3.2 In the event of reducing or canceling your child’s place at the nursery, you are required to give one calendar months’ notice in writing. Where less than one calendar months’ notice is given, you are still required to pay one full calendar month’s fees. Notice will only be accepted by letter or email, not verbally.
  • 3.3 Where your child is due to start school in September, they will be required to leave on the last day of attendance prior to the August closure week. If you wish to withdraw your child before this date, one calendar months’ notice must be given.
  • 3.4 Commencement of start dates can only be deferred twice. Further deferments will result in your placement being canceled and your deposit becoming non-refundable.
  • 3.5 Sessions cannot be swapped within or from week to week, and, if they are not used, remain payable.
  • 3.6 Full fees are still due for all absences, sickness, holidays, late drop-offs, and early collections, whether or not within the parents’ control. The exception to this is the nursery’s two closure periods, staff training days, and bank holidays, which are not charged for.
  • 3.7 Parents are to notify the nursery via email as soon as possible of absences or late arrivals and the reasons.
  • 3.8 Extra days outside of your regular booking pattern may be available and can be obtained on an ad hoc basis. These must be booked directly with the Nursery management team via email and are subject to the availability of spaces and staffing requirements. We require 48 hours’ notice in writing to cancel additional sessions booked, or full fees will be charged.
  • 3.9 If a child is not in attendance by 11:40 am without advance notice, then lunch cannot be provided for the child.

4. Fees and Payment

  • 4.1 Fees are to be paid in full in advance and must be received by the due date on the invoice by BACs. Invoices are emailed to you.
  • 4.2 Invoice queries are to be raised prior to the invoice due date.
  • 4.3 Cash and cheque payments are not accepted.
  • 4.4 For late payments (which are defined as payments received after the 7th of the month), we reserve the right to charge a late payment fee of £25.
  • 4.5 In the event that fees continue to be unpaid, your child’s place at the nursery will be withdrawn, and the matter will be passed to a debt collection agency and/or legal advisors, and the cost of recovery of the late fees will also be charged to you.
  • 4.6 We accept payments through student finance and the Government tax-free childcare scheme.
  • 4.7 Fees are reviewed 6 monthly (usually September and April), and you will be informed of any changes to the fee structure or amounts one calendar month before they are applied. Should you fail to agree to any increases in the charges or alterations to the fee structure, the nursery reserves the right to terminate this agreement upon the provision of one calendar months’ notice.
  • 4.8 We accept government funding for 12 or 24 hours stretched over 47.5 weeks; however, this is intended to cover the cost of providing free, high-quality childcare. It does not cover the cost of meals, consumables, additional hours, or additional services. Therefore, additional charges set out in our fee information apply to funded places.
  • 4.9 Late pick-up fees will be charged as follows: £25 (Children collected after 6pm).

5. Medical Attention and Illness

  • 5.1 The nursery sickness policy must be adhered to at all times, and we reserve the right to refuse admittance on the grounds of illness for the protection of the child, other children, and the staff.
  • 5.2 We reserve the right to ask a child to be collected from the nursery if we feel the child is not well enough to remain in attendance.
  • 5.3 The nursery follows NHS guidance for exclusion periods for infectious diseases. Where a child has had sickness and/or diarrhea, they should not return for 48 hours after the last episode.
  • 5.4 In the event that your child has a raised temperature (38C or above), you will be expected to collect your child.
  • 5.5 If a child requires medication to be administered during their time at the nursery, the parent, carer, or guardian must sign a consent form stating the required information. No medication may be given without these details being provided.
  • 5.6 If a child has not previously been given the medication, they should be given the first dose by their parent/carer and should remain at home for the first 48 hours after the first dose.
  • 5.7 Where parents/guardians authorize medication to be given to a child, the nursery will not be held responsible for any ill effects caused as a result of the administration of such medication.
  • 5.8 Parents must agree to give written parental permission before their child starts their nursery place, for us to seek any necessary medical advice or treatment in the event of an emergency.
  • 5.9 In the event of an accident or emergency involving a child, every effort will be made to contact a parent/carer immediately. Emergency services will be called as necessary, and if the child is required to go to the hospital, they will be accompanied by a senior member of staff. This will preferably be a member of staff that the child is familiar with. Health professionals will be responsible for any decisions on emergency treatment in a parent/carer’s absence.

6. Safeguarding

  • 6.1 Abusive or inappropriate behavior from parents/guardians/carers or visitors will not be tolerated on nursery premises, and the person or people concerned will be asked to leave immediately. In extreme circumstances, it may be necessary to contact outside agencies, and your child’s place may be withdrawn.
  • 6.2 In rare circumstances where a child’s behavior affects the staff and other children in the nursery, the nursery reserves the right to send home a child, particularly where the safety and wellbeing of the child, other children, and staff are at risk.
  • 6.3 In line with our safeguarding policy, parents and visitors are not permitted to use mobile phones in any part of the building or garden, except for the main office under supervision. This is due to the nature of our provision, and should there be a breach of policy, it may have to be recorded as a child protection concern.
  • 6.4 The nursery exercises a strict entry and collection policy, and we therefore reserve the right to refuse entry to anyone (including parent/carers) when deemed appropriate. We also reserve the right to refuse to allow a child to leave with an individual until we have carried out necessary security checks in line with our policies to ensure the safety of the child.
  • 6.5 Parents are responsible for ensuring the security of passwords for collection purposes are not compromised and to contact the nursery immediately if any breach of security is suspected.
  • 6.6 As part of our duty of care, it is an Ofsted Regulation that each morning nursery providers must record any visible injury that a child has obtained off the nursery premises. Should such information be necessary to pass onto us, you will need to complete and verify any instance on an Existing Injury Form.
  • 6.7 Under our safeguarding policy and responsibilities, we are obliged to record and report to the appropriate authorities any incidents where we consider a child may have their safety and/or wellbeing compromised. This may be done without informing the parent/guardian.

7. Other

  • 7.1 The nursery reserves the right to amend its Terms and Conditions at any time. Such changes will be notified in writing to parents and will supersede all preceding terms and conditions issued. The nursery will always endeavor to provide as much notice as possible and explain any major changes being made. Should you not agree with the changes, you have the right to terminate the contract you have with the nursery, giving one month’s calendar notice, and won’t incur any additional fees.
  • 7.2 If there is a breach of the Terms and Conditions, we reserve the right to withdraw your child’s place at the nursery.
  • 7.3 The Nursery is required to maintain and adhere to a range of policies. Please be aware that these policies do alter from time to time and will automatically be incorporated into your contract with the nursery, and you can request a copy at any time.
  • 7.4 The nursery will not be liable for loss or damage to personal property brought onto the premises, and we encourage you not to bring in toys. If toys and any other non-essential items do come in, they will be kept safely in the office and returned at the end of the day. Parents remain liable for any damage or injury resulting from such items.
  • 7.5 The nursery permits prams to be left in the designated pram area; however, they are left at your own risk.
  • 7.6 The nursery will endeavor to cater to religious and dietary needs as far as possible in conjunction with you. However, you may be required to supply specific items or pay an additional fee in order for the nursery to meet these requirements. Parents must clearly state their child’s dietary requirements (especially allergies) on our registration form and update this where necessary.
  • 7.7 Homemade or shop-bought food must not be brought onto the nursery premises without prior arrangement with the nursery in the interests of health and safety.
  • 7.8 In the event that you have any concerns or complaints, please refer to the Complaints Procedure as set out in the policy, which is available on request.